Posts by tag: benefits

The Benefits of Regular Physical Activity for Diabetics
26 Jun 2023

The Benefits of Regular Physical Activity for Diabetics

As a diabetic, I've found that engaging in regular physical activity has greatly improved my overall health and well-being. By staying active, I've been able to maintain better blood sugar control and reduce the risk of diabetes-related complications. Additionally, physical activity has helped me lose weight, lower my blood pressure, and elevate my mood. I've also noticed that regular exercise has increased my energy levels and improved my sleep patterns. Overall, incorporating physical activity into my daily routine has been a game-changer in managing my diabetes and enhancing my quality of life.

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Myeloma and Pets: The Benefits of Animal Companionship
16 May 2023

Myeloma and Pets: The Benefits of Animal Companionship

Myeloma is a difficult journey, but I've found solace in the companionship of my pets. Their unconditional love and support have proven to be invaluable during my treatment. Studies have shown that animal companions can help reduce stress, lower blood pressure, and even boost the immune system. My pets have not only provided emotional support, but also encouraged daily exercise and social interaction, improving my overall well-being. I can truly say that my animal companions have played a crucial role in helping me cope with my myeloma diagnosis.

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